Monday 19 April 2010

Diet and Fitness Goal Setting - How to Succeed and Lose Weight

So you want to lose weight and get in shape. Who doesn't? However, if you're like me and many other people, sometimes just getting started seems like a monumental task. Just one more handful of pretzels, or a couple M&M's. I'll "get serious" tomorrow. Been there, done that!

Diet and fitness goal setting is a key part of any weight loss program. Without goals it becomes very easy to lose sight of where you want to be, and how you're going to get there. Calories from random snacking and holiday dinners tend to sneak in unnoticed. Without a clear fitness goal it's easy to lose yourself in the moment and tell yourself "it's ok just this once." However, those "just this once's" tend to pile up very fast.

There are a few simple ways to keep your diet on track and your fitness goals within reach.

First, take a calendar and put it up on your wall. Treat yourself to a nice'll be looking at it for a while! It should be the type with a one month block, with plenty of room in each day box to write some information. Decide on a fitness goal--fitting into your favorite dress by Thanksgiving, or wearing a size smaller by Christmas. Write this in your calendar, and then count backward from that day, writing in the time you have left every Saturday, for example.

A calendar is also a great place to write in specific fitness workouts or key diet days. Having a visual reminder of what you want to do that day is a great way to successful diet and fitness goal setting. For example, every other day you could write in that you're doing upper body weight training, or write in each day the mileage you hope to jog. Then, as you come to the end of each day take a big marker and put a big check on the day as incentive. When you see the checks piling up you know you're on the right track!

Write in the days of special parties to remind yourself that if you want a piece of cake, you'll have to work out a little harder before hand.

Rewards tend to work well with diet and fitness goals. Treat yourself to a new clothing item...but only if it's a size down. Or give yourself an incentive: you'll get a new book or magazine if you reach a specific weight goal. Make your rewards good enough that you'll reach the goals, but don't break your bank. A new car might only be a reward if you successfully lose 75 pounds.

However you do it, it helps to be creative. Diet and fitness goal setting can actually be fun and keep you motivated. Remember--the key to getting in shape is not to drive yourself like a slave, but to enjoy the journey to better health.

For a great review of one of the most popular dieting programs available, please visit our Fat Loss 4 Idiots review

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Tips for Burning Unwanted Fat-00-6539

If you are trying to lose weight, you have probably encountered all the numerous diets and other methods highly recommended by family members and friends alike. No matter how many pounds you are looking to shed, there are two things you must remember. The first is exercise and the second is your eating habits. Exercise is necessary in order to burn off unwanted calories which will then translate to burning off fat. Changing your eating habits instead of going on a diet is quite effective because a diet is something only followed for a specified amount of time. Once that time is up and the weight is lost, many people often go back to their former eating habits and are more apt to gain the weight back. Changing your eating habits is the most effective way to lose weight and keep it off because you will not be returning to an abundance of unhealthy foods. Below are tips that will get you started in the right direction concerning both the fitness and eating habit aspects of weight loss.

The key to exercise is consistency. It’s easy to talk yourself right out of exercising on any particular day because you’re tired or to tell yourself you’ll do it later. You probably have good intentions but the reality is it often doesn’t happen then either. When beginning your exercise program start out slow. You will increase the amount of time and the difficulty of the exercises as you go along, but you want to get in shape at a steady pace that won’t tire you out too much and will be most effective.

Set an exercise schedule. Decide when you are most likely to stick to this schedule and stay with it. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by other activities and exercise even when you don’t feel motivated to do so. Load up your MP3 player with your favorite tunes and let them be the sound track to your daily fitness program.

Forming good eating habits can prove a bit more difficult. The key is to choose healthy foods you will eat. Again, stay on a schedule. Eat a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. You may also want to keep the night time meal lighter than the rest opting for steamed vegetables, fruits or salads.

Break up your larger meals into smaller ones. It isn’t a bad idea to have a snack between breakfast and lunch, and then again between lunch and dinner. Also, do not eat after dinner. Eating too late in the evening can cause your food not to digest as it should which can then result in less burning of unwanted body fat.
Author Resource:- I have a FREE five part video series - grab it and watch the fat melt away! eating
I highly recommend visiting here for more info about habits

Article From Ezine-Articles